About Rising Goddess

~Brightest Blessings~


Thank you for visiting our website!  Now that you're here, let me tell you a little about who we are and what we do.  

How It All Began

...with a painting...

I was struggling with my spirituality.  Raised a Baptist/Methodist with many questions, I found the answers did not quiet the murmerings and emptiness within.  When I was young I had belief in God, but as I grew older, I realized I needed a faith and belief that was as mature as I was~with more complete answers to questions.  As I was painting, ruminating on the many forms that the creator takes according to differing beliefs, I realized that at the heart of it all~

They are All The Same

So my painting is my view of the great creator

Knowledge, creativity, freedom, many aspects, and personal truth.


Who We Are

Here at Rising Goddess, we believe that all are a part of the one.  There are so many different religions because we need the diversity of views to see the fullness that is creation.

We chose this symbol to represent many different things.  We believe that the dogma and rigidity of organized religion hinders the individual from experience the divine in the fullest way possible.


The Rising Goddess is a Symbol of the re-emergence of nature based spirituality and the falling away from the dogma, constructions, and culture of organized religion.


What We Do

We provide a place where everyone is welcome!

Whether Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Wiccan, Pagan, Athiest, or just believe in the paranormal,


Whatever you find sacred, we have or can find for you.  We believe that everyone can find the creator, and it doesn't matter which path you take.  They all lead to the divine.


We practice tolerance and inclusion with all faiths and beliefs as long as you are also tolerant and inclusive towards others.  We never try to convert anyone to a belief system, and feel that others shouldn't either.  If you are asked for information about your path~feel free to share!  But please, no proselytising.

~Brightest Blessings to You and Yours~